Biosensor Papers and Presentations
Torija, Maria A., Bio-Applications of Giant Magnetoresistance and Tunneling Magnetoresistance Phenomena: In-Flow Magnetic Biomarker Detection, Intermag 2017, April 26, 2017, Dublin, Ireland.
M.A. Torija, et. al., High throughput Salmonella Detection with Tunneling Magnetoresistance sensors (.pdf), 61st Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, November 1, 2016, New Orleans.
M.A. Torija, et. al., GMR-Based Salmonella Detection System: Approaching 1 CFU Detection (.pdf), MMM/Intermag 2016, January 13, 2016, San Diego. J. Nordling, R. L. Millen, H. A. Bullen, M. D. Porter, M. Tondra, and M. C. Granger, Giant Magnetoresistance Sensors. 1. Internally Calibrated Readout of Scanned Magnetic Arrays, Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 80, No. 21, pp. 79307939, October 1, 2008. R. L. Millen, J. Nordling, H. A. Bullen, M. D. Porter, M. Tondra, and M. C. Granger, Giant Magenetoresistive Sensors. 2. Detection of Biorecognition Events at Self-Referencing and Magnetically Tagged Arrays, Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 80, No. 21, pp. 79407946, October 1, 2008. P. G. Eames, J. M. Anderson, C. A. Nordman, and D. J. Brownell, Magnetic Biosensor Using Vertical GMR in Ring Geometry, Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, November 5-9, 2007, Tampa, Fla. U. K. Demirok, N. Pekas, M. C. Granger, R. L. Millen, T. Kawaguchi, J. Nordling, H. Bullen, M. Tondra, and Marc Porter, Giant Magnetoresistive Sensors for Chip-Scale Biorecognition: Towards Chip-Scale Platforms with Ultrahigh Address Densities (.pdf), Nano and Giga Challenges in Electronics and Photonics Symposium, March 12-16, 2007, Phoenix, Ariz. P. Jeppson, P. Eames, M. Tondra, et. al., Cobalt ferrite nanoparticles: Achieving the superparamagnetic limit by chemical reduction, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 100, December 1, 2006. M. Tondra, A. Popple, N. Pekas, and M. D. Porter, "Detecting and Manipulating Magnetic Nanoparticles (.pdf)" (invited), Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM), November 2, 2005, San Jose, Calif. Mark C. Tondra, "Integrated Mass-Fabrication of Microfluidics for Diagnostic Chips (.pdf)" (poster presentation), Chips to Hits Conference, September 12, 2005, Boston, Mass. Mark Tondra, Anthony Popple, and Nikola Pekas, "Integrated detection and manipulation of paramagnetic microspheres," 3rd International Meeting on the Diagnostic and Biotechnology Applications of SuperParaMagnetic Microspheres (.pdf), June 17, 2005, San Diego, Calif. N. Pekas, M. Granger, M. Tondra, A. Popple, and M. D. Porter, "Magnetic diverter in an integrated microfluidic format," Journal of Magnetism & Magnetic Materials, Vol. 293, No. 1, pp. 725-730, May 1, 2005. Carl H. Smith and Mark Tondra, "Magnetoresistive Detection of Flowing and Immobilized Assay Labels (.pdf)," Nanomaterials 2004 Nanobiotechnology and Nanomedicine Conference, October 27, 2004, Stamford, Conn. Mark Tondra, Tony Popple, Nikola Pekas, Rachel Millen, John Nordling, Marc Porter, and Albrecht Jander, "Microfabricated tools for manipulation and analysis of magnetic microcarriers (.ppt)," presented at Magnetic Microcarriers, July 20, 2004, Lyon, France. J. C. Rife, M. M. Miller, P. E. Sheehan, C. R. Tamanaha, M. Tondra, and L. J. Whitman, "Design and Performance of GMR Sensors for the Detection of Magnetic Microbeads in Biosensors (.pdf)." (Modified from the version that appears in Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Elsevier Science, Vol. 107, No. 3, pp. 209-218, November 1, 2003. The published version can be found at Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Elsevier Science (.pdf)). C. R. Tamanaha, S. P. Mulvaney, K. A. Wahowski, M. C. Tondra, L. J. Whitman, and R. J. Colton, "Cellular Genomic Analysis with GMR Sensor Arrays (.pdf)," 7th lnternational Conference on Miniaturized Chemical and Biochemical Analysis Systems, October 5-9, 2003, Squaw Valley, Calif. M. Tondra, M. Granger, R. Fuerst, M. Porter, C. Nordman, J. Taylor, and S. Akou, "Design of Integrated Microfluidic Device for Sorting Magnetic Beads in Biological Assays (.pdf)." (Modified from the version that appears in the IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 37, No. 6, November 2001.) Mark Tondra, James M. Daughton, Catherine Nordman, Dexin Wang, and John Taylor, "Micromagnetic Design of Spin-Dependent Tunnel Junctions for Optimized Sensor Performance (.pdf)," November 1999 (Modified from article Published in Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 87, No. 9, pp. 4679-4681, May 1, 2000. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics). Mark Tondra, Marc Porter, and R. Lipert, "A Model for Detection of Immobilized Superparamagnetic Nanosphere Assay Labels using Giant Magnetoresistive Sensors (.pdf)." ©American Vacuum Society, 1999 (Modified from the version that appears in the Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology, June/July 2000. The published version can be found at the Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires permission of the author and the American Vacuum Society). Carl H. Smith, Robert W. Schneider, and Mark Tondra, Magnetic Biosensors, Sensors, Vol. 16, No. 12, December 1999. |