Our enabling technology is spintronics...
...a nanotechnology we helped pioneer, which utilizes electron spin rather than electron charge to acquire, store, and transmit information.
We manufacture high-performance spintronic products including sensors and couplers that are used to acquire and transmit data.
Our designs use one of two types of patented spintronic nano-scale structures: tunneling magnetoresistors (TMR) and giant magnetoresistors (GMR). Both structures produce a large change in electrical resistance depending on the predominant spin of electrons in a thin metal layer. In this way electron spin can be converted to an electrical signal compatible with conventional electronics.
Spintronics has four key advantages over conventional, charge-based semiconductors:
unprecedented miniaturization of medical and other devices; precision and sensitivity
for high-accuracy sensing; unmatched reliability because electron spin states
are persistent and charge states are not; and low power since no energy is required
to maintain electron spin.
Established spintronics applications include medical devices and factory automation.
Emerging applications include the Industrial
Internet of Things, which is driving the fourth wave of industrial
automation; and power conversion, which is facilitating an unprecedented transformation
from fossil fuels to zero-carbon electricity.
The 2007 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded for the discovery of GMR. The Secretary
of the Nobel Committee for Physics noted, most important is that the discovery
[of GMR] started the field of spintronics, that is, how to make use of the different
properties that electrons with different spin have. The full applications of this
new field can only be guessed.
GMR Overview
Tunneling Overview
How Isolators Work
MRAM Overview
References and additional reading:
Prof. Aurelien Manchon, A
Helicopter View of Spintronics, YouTube Lecture Series on Spintronics
Sep. 2020.
D. Awschalom, Spintronics:
Abandoning Perfection for the Quantum Age, TEDx Caltech, Feb. 2011.
A. Hirohata et al., Review
on spintronics: Principles and device applications, Journal of Magnetism
and Magnetic Materials, 2020.
B. Dieny, et al., Opportunities
and challenges for spintronics in the microelectronics industry, Nature
Electronics, 2020.
I. Zutic et al., Spintronics:
Fundamentals and applications, Reviews of Modern Physics, 2004.
Z. Guo, et al., Spintronics
for energy-efficient computing: An overview and outlook, Proceedings of
the IEEE, 2021
How Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR) works
How spintronic couplers work
How MRAM works