This Evaluation Board uses the 3.3-to-5 V version of world’s smallest isolated DC-to-DC convertor, the ILDC12-15E.
The 1.75 by 1.75 inch (45 by 45 mm) board has an ILDC12-15E plus the three required external bypass capacitors as well as LEDs to show the DC-to-DC convertor is operating. Screw terminals provide easy connections.
The ILDC12 is an ultraminiature one-quarter watt DC-to-DC boost convertor with 2.5 kV isolation that can be used to generate an isolated five-volt bus supply from a 3.3-volt controller supply.
No additional regulation is required and there is no minimum load. Frequency hopping and shielding reduce EMI, and ferrite beads are not necessary for EMI mitigation. |