IL717V-01: 4-Ch (3/1 dir) Wide-Body 7 kV Isolator Eval Bd

  • Part Number
  • IL717V-01
  • Total Channels
  • Transmit Channels
  • Receive Channels
  • Max. Temperature (°C)


These 2 x 3.5-inch (50 x 90 mm) boards have an IL717VE isolator, two bypass capacitors as recommended, screw connections, test pads, and provisions for header pins.

V-Series isolators are rated at a best-in-class 7 kVrms (9.9 kVpeak) isolation voltage. The evaluation board demonstrates best practice for maintaining 8 millimeter creepage. The isolators are conformally-coated to minimize arcing around the part.
50 in stock