IL614-3-01: IL614-3E 3-Ch (2 xmt, 1-rcv) Passive-In Isolator Eval Bd, Narrow

  • Part Number
  • IL614-3-01
  • Total Channels
  • Transmit Channels
  • Receive Channels
  • Max. Temperature (°C)
  • Isolation Voltage (Vrms)


These 2 x 3.5-inch (50 x 90 mm) boards have an IL614-3E three-channel (two transmit, one receive) passive isolator, input resistors and capacitors, a power-supply bypass capacitor as recommended, screw connections, and provisions for header pins.

Award-winning IL600-Series Isolators provide unique passive inputs for flexibility similar to LED-input optocouplers but with better performance and higher package density. The devices are manufactured with NVE’s patented IsoLoop spintronic Giant Magnetoresistive (GMR) technology for small size, high speed, and low power.
50 in stock