NVE Corporation
Sensor and Isolator
December 17, 2024
In this Issue
   • Introducing WLCSP Magnetic Switches
   • Omnidirectional Sensors
   • Customers’ Papers
Ultraminiature WLCSP Magnetic Switch SensorsNEW!
WLCSPWe are introducing several 1.5-volt magnetic switches in ultraminiature WLCS packages (WLCSP). The 0.65 mm package makes them perfect for tight spaces and provides unmatched spatial sensitivity and precision.

Applications include precise industrial controls, gas and water meters, portable instruments, and single-cell battery or harvested power applications.

AxL9xx Simplified Block DiagramMagnetic switches turn on when a magnetic field is applied and turn off when the field is removed. Continuous-duty versions are available, as well as internally duty cycled versions that further reduce power consumption and allow virtually unlimited battery life. An integrated latch ensures the output is available continuously in duty-cycled versions.

The applied field can be of either polarity, and the operate points are extremely stable over supply voltage and temperature. The open-drain outputs sink up to 100 microamps.

Key specifications include:
   • Choice of magnetic operate points
   • 0.9 to 2.4 supply voltage for battery operation
   • Supply current as low as 95 nA (duty-cycled versions)
   • –40 to 85 °C temperature range
   • Ultraminiature 0.65 x 0.65 mm four-pad solder-bumped WLCSP

Breakout Boards
Available 0.8 x 0.4 inch (21 x 10 mm) breakout boards have pre-soldered WLCSPALT002-14E-EVB01
sensors, 0.1" headers, and 1 mm-pitch card-edge connectors.

These are the four new sensors and their breakout boards:
Part No.
(click for more information)
 Op. Point  Supply  Duty Cycling    Breakout Board    
AHL925-20E 1 mT 0.9 to
1.8 V
 Continuous  AHL925-20E-EVB01
AHL025-20E Duty Cycled AHL025-20E-EVB01
AHL921-20E 2 mT Continuous AHL921-20E-EVB01
AHL024-20E 2.8 mT Duty Cycled AHL024-20E-EVB01
This video shows the ridiculously small size and amazingly low power of one of these sensors:

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Watch our newsletters for more WLCS sensors coming soon, including 3.3-volt versions, 125 °C, and analog magnetic sensors.
Amazing Omnidirectional Sensors
Omnidirectional Sensing
Magnetoresistive sensors are sensitive in-plane, while Hall effect sensors are sensitive perpendicular to the IC plane. NVE’s amazing omnidirectional sensors combine the best of both worlds—sensitive in both directions and anything between. This magic is made possible by a unique dual-sensing layer Tunneling Magnetoresistance (TMR) structure, which allows a single sensor to detect magnetic fields in any direction.

The sensors are also “omnipolar,” so unlike Hall sensors, magnet polarity doesn't matter. The omnidirectional sensors also have a much wider sensing range than Hall effect sensors and they are virtually impossible to saturate.

The sensors come in an ultraminiature 1.1 x 1.1 mm DFN packages and consume low microwatts of power without the need for duty cycling.

One omnidirectional analog sensor and two omnidirectional magnetic switches are available now:

    Part No.    
(click for more information)
 Output   Magnetic Range Supply Voltage  Supply Current 
AKT001-14E Analog 50 to
800 mT
0 to 5.5 V 5 µA @5 V
AHK991-14E Magnetic Switch 350 mT
Operate Point
0.9 to 1.8 V 2 µA @1.5 V
ADK991-14E  2.4 to 4.2 V  1 µA @3 V
A breakout board is also available for the analog omnidirectional sensor.

This video demonstrates these remarkable sensors and explains the unique physics behind them:
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Customers’ Papers
Wibowo, et. al., “Development of a Reliable Assay of Eco-friendly Fe3O4Ag Nanocomposite-Based Giant Magnetoresistance Sensor,” J. Electrochemical Society, Nov., 2024.

An excerpt: “The [NVE] GMR-based sensor... exhibits significant potential as a rapid and reliable green biosensor that is power-efficient.”

Fig. 2

More Customers’ Papers »
Happy Holidays!
NVE will be closed Wednesday, December 25 and Wednesday, January 1. Orders placed on holidays will be processed the next business day.

Product support is available 365 days a year, including holidays, at sensor-apps@nve.com
or iso-apps@nve.com.
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