NVE will be closed Monday,
September 2
for Labor Day. |
Isolated CAN FD Transceivers |
NVEs popular line
of isolated CAN transceivers has been expanded to include CAN FD.
Worlds Smallest
Like all of our isolated transceivers,
the new CAN FD transceivers are available in NVEs unique QSOP16 package,
which is the worlds smallest isolated transceiver, as well as narrow and
wide SOIC16s. The wide-body SOIC is JEDEC-compliant, but unlike other wide
SOICs it has true 8 mm creepage.
A Better Barrier
Unlike other isolators, our unique polymer/ceramic composite barrier provides
best-in-class barrier resistance and virtually unlimited barrier life.
CAN FD has up to five times the data rate and eight times the data "payload"
of standard CAN.
Exceptional Specifications
Key IL41050TFD-Series features and specifications include:
Fully CAN FD compliant
5 Mbps data rate
136 ns typical loop delay
Just 5 mA quiescent supply current (recessive)
2.5 kVrms isolation
44000 year barrier life
QSOP16 version is the worlds smallest
-40 to 125 °C temperature range
Available Now
All three new parts, along with our exceptional legacy CAN transceivers, are in
stock for immediate delivery:
IL41050TFD Datasheet »

Year Anniversary |
NVEs 30-year anniversary was recognized recently on the iconic Nasdaq tower
in Times Square. NVE was founded in 1989 as Nonvolatile Electronics, Incorporated,
and has been a leader in practical spintronics ever since. The company has been
Nasdaq listed since 2003.

Exhibitions |
September 11 to 12,
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
Melbourne, Australia
NVE sensors will be on display in cooperation with distributor Fairmont Marketing
(stand C20). |