Isolator IBIS models
are winging their way onto NVEs Website. Used in design simulations, theyll help your products fly to market with no fowled-up designs. |
Virtually all NVE sensors and isolators are available in REACH/ RoHS/ WEEE-compliant lead-free packages.
Many parts are also available in tin-lead versions for customers who need tin-lead reliability or solderability.
April 1 Product Introduction |
April 1You probably know that NVE makes magnetic sensors and isolators that are smaller, faster, and more precise than conventional devices. But for one day only (April 1), NVE will also be selling healthful magnetic bracelets*.
The bracelets magnetic field aligns the electrical fields in nerves, which causes the sympathetic nervous system to increase blood circulation**. A soothing NVE blue tint calms the mind and aids concentration.***
Research shows engineers who use magnetic bracelets and parts have better, more reliable circuits, and more successful than careers other engineers. It might be the bracelets, or it might be award-winning parts with a smaller footprint and unsurpassed precision.****
*Our engineers idea of an April Fools joke. We arent really selling bracelets. But we do sell magnets if you want to build your own.
**We couldn't find supporting research for this.
***Theres a bit of research on this, but it probably takes a lot more blue.
****Were pretty sure its the parts, not the bracelets.
Recent Exhibitions |
IsoLoop distributor HY LINE Power Components exhibited at the Embedded World exhibition recently in Nuremberg, Germany. Isolated Bus Transceivers are popular in embedded applications.
Catfight |
April 1Congratulations to NVE video star Jayne for winning the Academy Award® in the new technical videos category. Jayne beat out fellow NVE star Daniela.
A cat fight erupted between the two divas at NVE Studios. Daniela, who is not known for humility, called Jayne cartoonish and wooden. Stiff and monotonic was the retort. It was downhill from there.
There was no controversy, however, about the technical video Razzie®. That was shared by all those videos with middle-aged men in bad Polo shirts from big, slow, semiconductor companies.
The NVE divas are also arguing about who gets the most clicks, so view one of their award-winning videos to register your click.
April Fools Application Corner |
Foolproof Interface IC
“ |
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me. |
” |
Has it been another year of short-circuited outputs, reverse power supplies, and thermal overload?
The unique NVE DB002-02 signal processing IC makes sensor systems virtually foolproof.
The eight-pin SOIC works with almost any current sourcing or CMOS/TTL output sensor, including, of course, NVEs popular AD1xx-Series magnetic switches.
The DB002-02 provides a sourcing or sinking output up to 300 mA. Integrated transient protection makes the circuit especially useful for driving capacitive or inductive loads. A typical circuit is illustrated below:
The LED is driven with 3 mA when the output is on. Short-circuit shutdown delay is set by the 1 nF capacitor.
DB002-02 Data Sheet (.pdf) >