NVEs net income increased
for the third consecutive quarter in results reported January 21.
NVE Earnings
Reports > |
Tools |
Field Strength Calculator

Whats the field strength one inch from the face of a 6 mm diameter,
4 mm long Ceramic 8 magnet?
You could dust off Maxwells equations and do some multivariate calculus.
Or you can download our Flux
Density Calculator Excel spreadsheet.
The spreadsheet calculates magnetic field intensity in Oersteds from a disk or
bar magnet at various distances. It's invaluable for the design of magnetic sensor
systems, and it can also make you the life of any party.
Upcoming Exhibitions |
Isolator distributor HY LINE
Power Components is exhibiting at the Embedded World exhibition, February 24
to 26 in Nuremberg, Germany in stand 1-170. IsoLoop
Isolated Bus Transceivers are popular for embedded applications.
the Application Desk |
A/B Naming Conventions
Q. The PROFIBUS and RS-485 standards define A as
inverting (-) bus connection and B is non-inverting (+), but NVEs
isolated transceiver datasheets are the reverse.
What gives?
A. Unfortunately there is no consistency in the industry on whether A or B are
inverting or non-inverting. Most transceiver ICs use the reverse naming convention
from the PROFIBUS and RS-485 standards.
We follow the transceiver chip convention because many of our customers are replacing
non-isolated transceiver ICs.
The confusion is unfortunate, but changing datasheets would be more confusing.
on Social Media |
ICYMI*, NVE posts updates on social media. TIAFTF**:
*In case you missed it
**Thanks in advance for the follow! |