NVE Sensor and Isolator News
    October 8, 2024 Electrifying  News  From  NVE
In This Issue
New Rotation Sensor

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TMR Analog Keyboard Switch Sensor
How NVE Tests Its TMR Magnetic Sensors
Small-Object Sensing with a New TMR Sensor
World’s Fastest Isolators—Newly Upgraded to 7 kV Isolation
NEW! World’s Most Sensitive
Ultraminiature Rotation Sensor
NVE’s new Tunneling Magnetoresistance (TMR) dual-axis sensor, the ALT521-10E, is the world’s most sensitive device of its type.
ALT521 Transfer Function
Ultrahigh Sensitivity
The new sensor has two independent sensing axes, each with a high-sensitivity 140 mV/V/mT output. The sensor can detect rotating magnetic fields as small as 0.1 µT and can detect orientation in Earth’s 50 µT magnetic field without external amplifiers.

  COS / Y  ALT002-14E-EVB01  SIN / X
Ultralow Power Consumption
ALT521-10E are built as Wheatstone bridges with a typical resistance of two megohms, meaning they draw less than one microamp from a single-cell battery. They are ideal for high-speed, continuous-duty operation from low-voltage batteries.

At just 2.5 x 2.5 x 0.8 millimeters, the ALT521-10E enables further miniaturization of wearable, battery-powered instruments.
Best-in-Class Specifications
  • High sensitivity (140 mV/V/mT)
  • ±0.5 mT linear range
  • Highly linear output (typ. 2% of full scale)
  • Low temperature coefficient of output (0.1%/°C)
  • 100 kHz frequency bandwidth
  • 2 megohm typ. device resistance for low power
  • Operation to near-zero supply voltage
  • Up to 125 °C operating temperature
  • 2.5 x 2.5 mm DFN6 package

Typical Applications
  • Flowmeters
  • Earth magnetic field detection
  • Wearable and battery powered devices
  • Proximity sensing
  • RPM speed measurement
  • Ferromagnetic material detection
  • Nondestructive testing
  • Freepitch rotary encoders
  • Freepitch linear encoders
  • Joysticks
  • Battery-free servo encoders

Breakout Boards
The 0.8 x 0.4 inch (21 x 10 mm) ALT521-10E-EVB01 breakout boards have pre-soldered sensors, standard 0.1-inch (2.54 mm) headers, and 1 mm pitch card-edge connectors.

Demonstration Video
This video shows the extraordinary sensitivity of the new sensor:
ALT521 Demo

In Stock
Production quantities of the ALT521-10E are in stock for immediate delivery.

Buy Online
Download the ALT521 Datasheet »
Upcoming Trade Shows
NVE will exhibit at MD&M October 16 to 17 in Minneapolis. It’s billed as the region’s most comprehensive medical design and manufacturing event.

We have decades of experience with medical instruments and devices, including life-sustaining applications. Featured products include:

  •  Medical Device Sensors
» Magnetic sensors for implantable devices
» Precise catheter navigation sensors
» Ultraminiature hearing aid telecoil replacements
» Sensors for single-use device battery activation
  • Medical Instrument Sensors and Isolators
» Best-in-class 7 kV isolators
» World’s smallest DC-to-DC convertors for 2x MOPP
» TMR magnetic proximity sensors
» Isolated current sensors
See us at booth 3826, and use promo code SPECIAL24 for a free expo pass.
MD&M 2024
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