NVE Sensor and Isolator News
    October 22, 2024 Electrifying  News  From  NVE
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World's Most Sensitive Ultraminiature Rotation Sensor
High-speed polling with TMR sensors
TMR Analog Keyboard Switch Sensor
How We Test Our TMR Magnetic Sensors
Precision Proximity Sensing with a New TMR Sensor
Tradeshow Wrap-Up
MD&MMD&M / Advanced Manufacturing
October 2024, Minneapolis
After logging thousands of miles of travel for tradeshows and customer visits, we wrapped up the tradeshow season 15 miles from NVE at the Minneapolis Convention Center.

MD&M is billed as the region’s most comprehensive medical design and manufacturing event. We demonstrated the high-sensitivity, ultraminiature size, and low power consumption of our unique TMR sensors.

We have decades of experience with medical instruments and devices, including life-sustaining applications. Featured products included:
  •  Medical Device Sensors
» Magnetic sensors for implantable devices
» Precise catheter navigation sensors
» Ultraminiature hearing aid telecoil replacements
» Sensors for single-use device battery activation
  • Medical Instrument Sensors and Isolators
» Best-in-class 7 kV isolators
» World’s smallest DC-to-DC convertors for 2x MOPP
» TMR magnetic proximity sensors
» Isolated current sensors
Sensor+Test Sensor+Test
 June 2024, Nürnberg, Germany

The leading forum for sensors, measuring, and testing technologies worldwide, Sensor+Test 2024 had about 5,000 visitors. NVE was one of 383 exhibitors from 29 countries. This was NVE’s first year exhibiting under its own banner, and the booth was packed with product demonstrations.
Sensor+Test ehibitor details »
Sensors Converge Sensors Converge
 June 2024, Santa Clara, California
Sensors Converge is North America’s largest electronics event for design engineers and one of the fastest-growing industry shows. Over 5,000 attendees from 40 countries packed into the Santa Clara Convention Center. NVE has exhibited for many years, and was one of over 200 exhibitors this year.
Demos2024 Tradeshow Demos
 Here’s a recap of this season’s head-turning product demonstrations:
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