Daniel A. Baker  
Daniel A. Baker has been NVE’s President and CEO since 2001. Dr. Baker has more than 40 years of executive and engineering experience. From 1993 until joining NVE, he was President and CEO of Printware, Inc., which manufactures and markets high-speed imaging systems.

Prior to being named President and CEO, he was Printware’s Vice President of Sales, Marketing, and Product Development. He was a Printware director from 1993 to 2000. Printware was publicly traded beginning with its initial public stock offering in 1996 through Dr. Baker’s tenure. He also served as Director of Electronic Development for Minntech Corporation (now Cantel Medical Corp.) and Director of Engineering for Percom Data Corporation.

Dr. Baker holds Ph.D. in biomedical engineering and MBA degrees from the University of Minnesota, and a B.S. in biomedical engineering from Case Western Reserve University.